General Guidelines
When submitting your file via, please prepare it so it will not be damaged when being sent over the Internet. If you use a PC, please compress the file in a .zip format. If you use a Macintosh computer, compress the file using Stuffit and enable the Bin Hex Encoding option under File, Preferences in Stuffit. These make your file Internet safe and allow it to be opened by the receiver.
Label your artwork with your Carlson Craft account number (and PO number if available).
All artwork needs to be high resolution (600 dpi or higher for black and white, 300 dpi or higher for photo/grayscale) and received in the size you wish to have it printed.
Submit your artwork as a generic PDF. We will also accept EPS, TIFF, AI.
Do not submit artwork from word processors (Microsoft Word, WordPerfect) or websites. They are not high quality and will not reproduce.
Artwork should be in black and white unless it is used for full color printing, then it should be CMYK.
An Authorization to Reproduce form must be filled out and sent to Carlson Craft for any artwork that was created by someone else (ex: photographer). Click here for a copy of this form.
Scanning Guidelines
Scan black and white images as line art and bitmap at 600 dpi, not grayscale or free of anti-alias. Photographs and images should be scanned as RGB at 600 dpi.
Images of lower resolutions will not be accepted due to our high printing standards. Check your scanner and software to ensure these capabilities. The best file formats for scanned images are PDF, TIFF and EPS.
Send Your Files
1. Upload online at
Click Order Manager → Start New Order
Enter Item Number → Select the correct order form and fill it in completely
Upload File at bottom of order form
2. Upload online at
Please contact our Customer Care team at 800-328-1782 to obtain the FTP login and password information.
Click Select Items to Upload
Enter the number of files you will upload
Click Continue
Click Browse and find your file
Select the correct button for What to do if file already exists
Click Upload File
3. Email
In the subject line, put your Carlson Craft account number (and PO number if available). (Do not use special characters, i.e.: #, !, ( ), because these are associated with SPAM and will not be received).
Make your e-mail messages as detailed as possible to avoid confusion and delays;
Include: File Name(s); Example: signature.tif and company_logo.tif.
Please do NOT include the written order form in the same e-mail that you attach your artwork.
4. Mail your artwork on CD
Include order form in the envelope with CD
Mail To:
Carlson Craft Social
1750 Tower Blvd.
North Mankato, MN 56003
Frequently Asked Questions About Electronic Artwork
Can I send my order form with my files?
Yes, use
If your artwork is e-mailed or placed on the FTP site then do not include the order form. Instead, please fax, phone, mail or e-mail your written order form to Carlson Craft.. In the special instruction area, please indicate “customer supplied artwork” and tell us how and when the artwork file was sent to us. Example: artwork e-mailed to on 7/2/16 or artwork placed on FTP site on July 15, 2016.
What types of files do you accept?
Our preferred file format is PDF (Portable Document Format).
We also accept PC files saved as:
EPS (Encapsulated Postscript)
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
AI (Adobe Illustrator v10).
Once my file gets to you, how long does it take before the order goes into production?
Normal processing time applies. However, if there is a problem with your file or if the file is not to our specifications, production will be prolonged.
How are TrueType fonts different than other fonts you accept? Can I use them in my artwork?
A TrueType font is a combination of the onscreen and printed versions of the font. These are designed for home computers and do not follow printing industry standards. But, you can use any type font in your artwork as long as it has been converted to paths/outlines.
Arte Electrónico
Instrucciones Generales:
Anote únicamente los dígitos de su número de cuenta con Carlson Craft Social en el subject line.
Todo el arte electrónico debe ser de alta calidad de imagen (600 puntos por pulgada/dpi en blanco y negro, o 300 ppp/dpi para fotos a color o blanco y negro) Si es necesario indique el lugar y el tamaño en el que desea sea impreso.
Envíe su arte electrónico en cualquiera de los siguientes formatos: PDF, EPS, TIFF, AI.
No envíe arte electrónico desde procesadores de texto (Microsoft Word, WordPerfect) o desde páginas de Internet. No son de buena calidad y no serán impresos.
Todo arte electrónico debe ser en blanco y negro a menos que vaya a ser impreso a todo color, de ser así debe de enviar la separación de colores, cian, magenta, amarillo y negro (CMYK)
No envíe archivos que sean mayores a 2 mb. Si necesita enviar archivos más grandes, envíelos a o Para ingresar digite Socialorders, password es guest.
Antes de enviar sus archivos electrónicos a o Prepare sus archivos para que no se dañen durante el envío a través del Internet. Si va a enviar su archivo desde una PC comprímalo en un archivo ZIP. Si es desde una Macintosh comprímalo utilizando el Stuffit. Preferimos que sea con esta aplicación. Esto preparará su archivo para ser enviado a través del Internet de una forma segura.
Instrucciones para la digitalización de imágenes:
Digitalice sus archivos en blanco y negro con una alta calidad de imagen a 600 ppp/dpi, sin escalas de gris, ni utilice la función que hace las líneas mas suaves (anti-alias)
Fotografías e imágenes se deben digitalizar como RGB a 600 ppp/dpi.
Imágenes digitalizadas con una calidad de imagen inferior no serán aceptadas debido a nuestros altos estándares de calidad. Revise su scanner y programa (software) para estar seguro que se digitalizará con estas características.
Los mejores formatos que podemos procesar son PDF, TIFF y EPS.
Instrucciones para los tipos de letra (fonts):
Todos tipos de letra (fonts) deberán ser digitalizados como imagen, como archivos PDF, TIFF o EPS. Consulte su manual en caso de ser necesario.